Designing and Developing an E-Business Model in the Sport Industry

Document Type : Editor-in-Chief Message


1 Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Sport Science, University of Mazandaran, Iran

2 mazandaran university of babolsar

3 Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Sport Science, University of Mazandaran


The purpose of this study was to designing an e-business developing model in sports industry in the country. The method of this research was one of the applied researches, and was done with qualitatively method and whit semi-constructed interviews helping. The statistical population of this study is: Top level sport managers (Managers of the top clubs in the country and heads of sports federations) that Familiar with the subject of e-commerce and e-sports marketing and related topics, faculty members specializing in this field and managers and planners of reputable domestic sites who are planning and selling sports products. The research findings were analyzed in the form of an e-businesses development model and the coding was done up to the most abstract stage by the researcher. The results of this study showed that the country's sports industry, like other money-making industries in the country, is moving towards exploiting the benefits of the electronic world. But it is doing whit a low speed. The researchers were looking for ways to speed up the process. The cases mentioned by the experts were in the 6 areas of form; Economic, social-cultural, political- legal, managerial and infrastructure development sectors. Experts involved in this study consider development infrastructure and management factors to be the most important factors. Updated and committed managers can help to provide the development infrastructure for fast moving as possible to this type of business. In order to classify the data obtained from the interview, the software for analyzing the qualitative data (Nvivo 10 version) was used.


Main Subjects

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 03 December 2023
  • Receive Date: 17 June 2020
  • Revise Date: 25 October 2020
  • Accept Date: 04 January 2021