The Consequences of Gamification in Teaching Sport Skills in Virtual Education

Document Type : Original research papers


1 Department of sport management, Faculty of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

2 Department of sport management, Faculty of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.



This study aimed to identify the consequences of gamification in teaching sport skills in virtual education. This study was a qualitative and exploratory research conducted using a thematic analysis method. The participants included faculty members with experience in teaching practical courses and using gamification in physical education and sport sciences. Given the nature of the research, semi-structured interviews were used as the research instrument. Twelve experts were interviewed as a research sample through snowball sampling to reach the theoretical saturation. The validity and reliability of the study were evaluated and confirmed by using Guba and Lincoln (1989) method. The thematic analysis of the data by Braun and Clarke’s (2006) method led to the extraction of 168 codes, thirteen sub-themes, and five main themes. The findings indicated that "Learner Management", "Skill Dimension", "Emotional Dimension", "Teaching Method and its Quality", as well as " Communications" were the main themes of the research. Some sub-themes were extracted for each main theme according to their semantic and conceptual similarity. The findings of this study can be considered by professors and students of physical education and sports sciences as a basis for promoting the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching sport skills in a virtual learning environment. Having a clear understanding of the various aspects of this method helps teachers and administrators to make the most of the opportunities of this educational method.


Main Subjects