Relationships between Amortization Force and Kinetics Variables during Jumping and Landing

Document Type : Original research papers


1 Department of Sports Biomechanics, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Natural Sciences in Kinanthropology, Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacky University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic

3 Allied Health Research Unit, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK, PR1 2HE



Objectives: Force-time curve variables of countermovement jump are utilized to assess neuromuscular and biomechanical features related to lower extremity dynamics. The amortization phase is the transition phase between eccentric and concentric muscle activity and it is related to performance during jumping and agility activities. This study determines the relationship between Amortization Force and kinetics variables during a jumping and landing task. Equipment and methods: Seventeen junior professional male volleyball players performed three counter-movement jumps with maximum effort. The function of the stretch-shortening cycle of the legs concerning the jumping movement has been evaluated using the block jump skill on a dual-force platform (Kistler, CH). Kinetics data from Force - Time curve variables were calculated in MATLAB programs software (Math Works Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA) for the best jump trial. Multiple Stepwise Regression analysis was used to estimate the relationship between amortization force and other kinetic variables during jumping and landing as well as the magnitude coefficient of each variable. Results: Significant relationship between amortization force and other kinetic variables in the first step of stepwise regression models (p<0.05). Conclusions: These data may suggest that conditioning coaches should identify their player’s preferred position and incorporate a specific training program to enhance the players' power.


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