Kinematics analysis of ankle dorsiflexion when using the modified orthosis in order to increase stability in the moment of heel strike with the ground

Document Type : Original research papers


1 Department, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Islamic Azad University of Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran


In this study, an investigation was done in order to increase stability of ankle and reduce injuries resulting twist while using aid orthosis and effort in providing superior samples. Therefore this study aims to investigate the effect of ankle hinged Stirrup brace on the Sagittal position of ankle joint in healthy individuals.
Eighteen healthy subjects participated in this quasi-experimental study (8 males, 10 females) aged 19 to 30 years. Individuals were selected by non-random sampling and accessible sampling type based on inclusion criteria. Dorsiflexion angle at the moment of heel contact with the ground while walking in the 3 different steps of test with just shoes, shoes with articulated Stirrup brace, shoes with modified articulated Stirrup brace (stretch strep) was recorded by using (VICON Motion Systems) motion analysis system. For comparison of the supposed positions also paired t test was used. Articulated ankle brace have no significant effect on the ankle joint sagittal plane position. In addition, the modified brace cause a significant change in the position of the ankle joint sagittal plane and increase the angle of the ankle joint in the desire direction. Adding a stretch strap to the main plantar brace according to the picture presented in the research methodology as an involuntary factor creates movement restrictions in the sagittal plane to increase dorsiflexion angle that the change would lead to increased dorsiflexion ankle angle in order to increase consistency at the moment of heel contact with the ground in healthy individuals.


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